Sacred Heart Catholic

Bellevue, Washington,  1994

INTRODUCTION: This organ was originally built by Balcom & Vaughan Organbuilders of Seattle, WA as their Opus 702 in 1963, located in the rear balcony of the Church.  It was their first major project for a Catholic Church.  The instrument was enlarged and modified in 1980.  In 1993, the Nave was significantly remodeled and the organ was relocated to the Chancel, sitting behind the Chapel.

CASEWORK/FAÇADE: During the planning stages for the 1993 remodel, it was decided to house the organ behind a fabric grill.  The instrument is on three levels with the Great on the top, the Choir in the middle and the Swell on the bottom.  There was also a space below the Swell which housed the blower and the electrical switching system.

WINDCHESTS: All of the original Balcom & Vaughan windchests were retained as is.  New windchests were constructed for the added pipework.  A new winding system, including new blower and reservoirs, was added.

CONSOLE: The console was custom built in the Marceau shop.  It was  The relay was provided by Solid State Logic and controls all electric communications between the console and the organ.

PIPEWORK: All of the original metal pipes were hand crafted by Stinkens of Holland, including the principal ranks, flutes and reeds. Vintage pipework from the Marceau inventory supplied the low octave of the 16’ Erzähler and the Pedal 16’ Subbass.  All pipework was regulated to produce a unified musical ensemble.

Great Organ

16’ Praestant

8’ Principal

8’ Rohrflute

8’ Flute Harmonique

4’ Octave

4’ Bourdon

2 2/3’ Quite

2’ Fifteenth

1 3/5’ Seventeenth

1 1/3’ Mixture V

8’ Trumpet

8’ Festival Trumpet

Swell Organ

16’ Bourdon

8’ Principal

8’ Bourdon

8’ Viola

8’ Viola Celetse, TC

4’ Octave

4’ Spillflute

2’ Octave

1’ Scharff IV

16’ Basson

8’ Trompette

8’ Hautbois

8’ Voix Humaine

4’ Clarion

Choir Organ

16’ Erzähler

8’ Principal

8’ Gedeckt

8’ Erzähler

8’ Erzåhler Celeste, TC

4’ Octave

4’ Spillflute

2 2/3’ Nasard

2’ Octave

2’ Blockflute

1 1/3’ Larigot

1’ Sfflute

2/3’ Cymbel III_IV

16’ Clarinette

8’ Krummhorn

Pedal Organ

32’ Subasss

16’ Praestant

16’ Subass

16’ Bourdon

16’ Erzähler

8’ Octavebass

8’ Gedecktbass

8’ Bourdon

4’ Choralbass

4’ Nachthorn

2’ Mixture III

32’ Contre Bombarde

16’ Bombarde

16’ Basson

8’ Trompete

4’ Clarion

Stops: 38

Ranks 50

Pipes 2,846


Opus 08


Opus 10