Shalom United Church of Christ
Richland, Washington, 1995
INTRODUCTION: This organ is the first pipe organ for this modest sized building. It is also the first two manual and pedal mechanical action organ to be built in the Marceau shop. The layout of the instrument places the keydesk on the end, instead of the front middle, to allow for the organ’s footprint to be as economical as possible. This also allows the organist to have a line of sight to the altar area as well as the entrance to the room. The organ was dedicated by Paul Manz in a celebratory Hymn Festival.
CASEWORK/FAÇADE: The casework consists of solid rift cut white oak based upon a Mission Style design. The façade consists of flamed copper pipes (1-15) and polished tin pipes (16-25). There are many elements of the Mission style including bow-tie inserts as well as a simple panel/frame feature.
WINDCHESTS: All of the windchests are of slider/pallet design with a direct mechanical connection for both the key and stop action. A wedge bellows reservoir is used for the winding powered by a silent blower, located within the case.
CONSOLE: The console, while located to the side, provides an intimate and immediate response to the player. There are two double draw stops (Swell 2 2/3’ Nasard + Cornet II and Great 2’ Octave + Mixture III). All three couplers are controlled by either a draw knob or a coupler mechanism, operated by the feet.
PIPEWORK: Much of the pipework is new, produced by Killinger or Stinkens pipemakers except the following: Pedal 16 Rohrbass (1-24 of mahogany), Great 8’ Rohrflute (13-58 by Casavant), Swell 8’ Holzgedeckt (1-58) and Swell 8’ Dolce (1-58 by Möller). All pipework was regulated to produce a unified musical ensemble and fills the room with color and presence.

Great Organ
8’ Rohrflute
4’ Principal
2’ Octave
2’ Mixture III
Swell Organ
8’ Holzgedeckt
8’ Dolce
4’ Koppelflute
2 2/3’ Nasard
2 2/3’ Cornet II
2’ Blockflute
8’ Schalmei
Pedal Organ
16’ Rohrbass
8’ Principalbass
4’ Octavebass
Mechanical key and stop action
Stops: 9
Ranks: 12
Pipes: 732